Vaccination Schedules for Cats
It is recommended by most veterinarians that you have your cat vaccinated for the different various diseases listed below at the times listed. The rabies shot is also required annually or every three years in many parts of the United States of America. Exposure or risk of exposure and vaccine types may vary the schedule for your cat, of course. Be sure to check with your veterinarian to make sure that they have the vaccines available before you go in to the office. It is also recommended that your read all the literature on the vaccines that you can so that you are aware of the risks associated with the different vaccinations. 8 weeks: Pneumonitis Distemper vaccine Intestinal parasite screen Strategic de-worming (for intestinal parasites) 8 to 10 weeks: Calcivirus Feline Leukemia Virus/FIV test Feline Leukemia vaccine (only for cats at high risk) Panleucopia Rhinotracheitis Distemper vaccine Intestinal parasite screen Strategic de-worming (for intestinal parasites) 12 to 14 weeks: Calcivirus Feline Leukemia Virus Panleucopenia Rhinotracheitis Distemper vaccine 2 to 4 months: Feline Leukemia Virus One Year: One-year Rabies vaccine Strategic de-worming (for intestinal parasites) Feline Leukemia vaccine (only for cats at high risk) Keep in mind this is a generic list and your veterinarian's plan for your individual cat's treatment may vary.
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