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Cat Allergies

Many cat lovers deny themselves the pleasure of feline companionship because of allergies to cats. Here are some items to help minimize cat allergies. Although individual cats may produce more or less allergen, there is no relationship between the pet's hair length and allergen production, and there is no such thing as a hypo-allergenic breed, although the Siberian Cat is thought to be the most allergen free of all the breeds. Cat hair is a major carrier of the dander, and should be kept under control.
To the Top of Cat allergies allergy cat dander saliva allergens prevention

Cat allergen is present in the largest amounts in homes with cats, but has also been found in homes where cats have never been present and in offices or public places were animals are not allowed. Cat allergen is particularly sticky and is carried on clothing from places with cats to other locations, therefore, it is almost impossible to not be exposed to some level of cat allergen. Levels of exposure will be much higher where cats are present and these levels are more likely to cause allergy symptoms. Sensivite persons will be miserable when exposed to the dander, and for extremely allergic individuals, this exposure can be life-threatening.

Because the allergen particles are particularly small, they remain air-borne for longer periods of time. Cat sensitive individuals are more likely to have a rapid allergic reaction when entering a home with cats because the allergen is always present. Opening windows, using exhaust fans, and using high-efficiency air cleaners can decrease the amount of air-borne allergen.

Happy Nap by Little Jeane

Soft furnishings, such as carpets, sofas, and mattresses, will hold cat allergen even after a cat is removed from the home or banished from the bedroom. It has been shown that it can take as long as 20 weeks for levels of allergen in carpets to decrease to the levels found in a home without a cat, and up to five years for cat allergen levels in mattresses to decrease to such levels.

To the Top of Cat allergies allergy cat dander saliva allergens prevention

These items may help in the removal of some of the allergens, and removal or treatment of the carpet and sofa and encasing the mattress, will reduce the continued exposure to these reservoirs of allergen. There are mattress and pillow enclosures made specifically for this purpose. If you are particularly allergic, do not use a fan in the bedroom, as this can bring the dander off surfaces and into the air.

Cat allergen is also found on vertical surfaces such as walls. Attempts to decrease cat allergen exposure in a home should include wall cleaning.

Highly insulated, energy efficient homes actually trap animal dander inside. Opening windows can help increase air exchange and decrease air-borne allergens. Use a "HEPA" (High Efficiency Particle Arresting) air cleaner. Air cleaners of this type can reduce the level of air-borne cat allergen up to 50%. It is important to place the unit away from furnishings and not directly on the carpet so as not to disturb settled allergy particles.

Since vacuuming may blow cat allergen into the air, it is important to use avacuum cleaner that has been proven to have a high level of allergen containment. The use of HEPA certified vacuum bags can inexpensively upgrade the vacuum you presently own.

If the cat is restricted to a certain area of the home, it is important to realize that airflow through the ducts in a forced air system could spread the allergen to other parts of the house. HEPA certified Register Filter Padsfor vents and High-Efficiency Furnace Filters can help trap the allergens and reduce their spread.

Nothing can take the place of keeping the cat outside to minimize allergen exposure. If the cat is allowed inside, keep it out of the bedroom at all times. Use Register Filter Pads to prevent the spread of the air-borne allergens throughout the home, and be sure to keep the cat hair under control so the dander is minimized.

To the Top of Cat allergies allergy cat dander saliva allergens prevention

Cat lovers with allergies like myself, can opt for allergy treatments; including shots, prescription allergy medicines and nose sprays. Personally, I use medicine and nose sprays. I also keep the cat hair under control and use a mattress enclosure. Additionally, I use Simple Solution Allergy Reliefspray on my bedding and upholstered furniture to settle and counter-act the allergens. I find this regimen works for me, but please contact your physician for your own tailored solution.

You can use a face mask when brushing your cat or changing the kitty litter. Wash your hands before and after touching the cat, and change clothing after contact with your cat.
To the Top of Cat allergies allergy cat dander saliva allergens prevention

Studies have demonstrated that washing a cat with water removes much of the surface allergen, and significantly reduced the amount of future cat allergen produced by removing the loose hair. A damp washcloth run down the fur will also remove a lot of hair, providing an immediate sense of accomplishment and relief.You can also use the Furminator grooming tool to reduce the shedding hair.

ANY relief from cat allergen is a welcome improvement to breathing! See aCat Groomer for more information and tips on grooming your cat and recommendations for supplements and treatments for your cat to reduce shedding.


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